Wednesday, March 27, 2013

End of Trimester Picnic

Tomorrow marks the end of the second trimester. The school is celebrating by allowing the children to come out of uniform tomorrow. Our class will have a lunch picnic. The children will be allowed to share food only tomorrow as it is a customary practice of having a picnic. (There are no food allergies in our class.)

Thank you Parents for all of your support this trimester!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Swim Class List

On the Swimming Class Day, please make sure to send with your child the following (clearly labeled):
- Swimming Suit (1 piece for girls)
- Big towel or swimming cape
-Swimming cap (obligatory for both boys and girls)
-Noodles or floaters (Obligatory)

If there is any special health conditions, please send a note with your child.

Thank you for your cooperation,
School Administration

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to the lovely mothers of KG2B! Thank you so much for coming in today. It meant a lot to the children.

I know it was a rough day for some but we have to realize that a day that is so different from their regular day, involving seeing their mom, can stir up a lot of emotions for a young child.

Thank you Moms for all of your support. Happy Mother's Day!

As a reminder, next Sunday and Monday are days off for the children. They return on Tuesday and it will be a regular school day.

Also, in the beginning of April, Monday and Tuesday P.E. classes will be replaced with swimming class on Wednesday. The children do not need to wear their P.E. uniform on Monday and Tuesday. A note was sent home today listing the items needed for swimming class. Please make sure everything is very clearly labeled! They will have a double period for this swimming class.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mother's Day Celebration

Tomorrow, we will be having a small celebration in class in honor of the lovely mothers of KG2B! We hope you will join us tomorrow. We will be performing at 10:15 and 10:45 since we have mothers with children in different classes.

Please note that we cannot honor changes in transportation tomorrow that were not approved in advance. Also, gifts for teachers and staff are not allowed as per school policy.

See you tomorrow!

Ms.Victoria and Ms. Mariam 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 23 Update

This week in Language Arts, we read the book Sheep Take A Hike. It was full of rhymes and we discussed cardinal directions; north, south, east, and west. We even recreated part of the story and left a trail of clothespins as we "hiked" around the school, like the sheep did in the book with their fur.
We also added the words "go" and "for" to our word wall, which now has 24 words. Next week, we will be reviewing these words so that the children can read, spell, understand and use the words before we add more words to the word wall.
As for their leveled reading books, the children will receive a new book next week. The children will work with their books for one to two weeks at a time. It is important to let them read their books to you every night as they are practicing their reading fluency!

In Math, we continued Chapter 9: Measurement by exploring capacity and weight. We used words such as longer, taller, shorter, measure, estimate, heavier, and lighter to compare objects. Next week, we will conclude Chapter 9 by discussing area and reviewing all measurement concepts. 

Next week, the children will be dismissed at 11:15. Any changes in transportation must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance. 

On Thursday, March 21st, we will invite Mothers in for a special tribute in honor of Mother's Day

Arabic and Religion Update:

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد بدأنا في تدريس سورة (الفيل) و سوف يتم تكرارها حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظها  .
*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم دراسة أصوات( الضمة  ) لحرف (د) و الكلمات الدالة (دُ) ( دُب) و سوف نبدأ في دراسة أصوات حرف (ذ) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 22 Update

This week in Language Arts, the children received a new leveled reading book to practice at home. Many children have been losing the books or forgetting to bring them to school. It may be best to keep the books in school in the future. I will keep you updated.

We read the book In The Deep Blue Sea that the children loved. We practiced reading color words and identifying rhyming words. It is a very repetitive book so it was easy for the children to read along!

In Math, we started our unit on Measurement. We have been using items such as paper clips, cubes, and even shoes to ease our way into understanding how to estimate and measure height and length. *I was absent on Thursday so Lesson 7.5 has been postponed until Monday.*

In Science, we discussed the differences between the day sky and the night sky. We also talked about the time difference between New York and Egypt that the children found interesting.

Our trip to the Ceramic Cafe was very nice. It gave the children the opportunity to practice using their manners in a restaurant setting. The tiles they painted came out beautifully and will add a nice personal touch to the school entrance when they are installed. I will post pictures shortly!

Please note that Sunday, March 10th is a day off for the students.


*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم دراسة أصوات( الفتحة - الكسرة  ) لحرف (د) و الكلمات الدالة (دَ) (دجاجة ) -  (دِ) (دِيك ) - و سوف نقوم بتكملة دراسة أصوات حرف (د)  الأسبوع القادم  مع حرف (ذ) ان شاء الله .

* سوف يتم عمل  إملاء منزلية  على كلمات حروف (خ – د)  ماعدا كلمة (دب )يوم الأحد الموافق ١٠ – مارس – ٢٠١٣  و ذلك لأنه إجارة  .


* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد بدأنا في تدريس سورة (الفيل) و سوف يتم تكرارها حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظها  .

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please note that the last day for after school activities for the Second Trimester 2012/2013 will be Thursday 14/3/2013.
All after school activities will be resumed starting Sunday 7/4/2013.

Thank you for your understanding,

School Administration 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that next Sunday, 10/3/2013 is a day off for all students and staff due to the instability that may arouse because of the trials taking place at the Police Academy- First Settlement on Saturday 9/3/2013.

Monday March 11th will be a regular school day.

School Administartion

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 21 Update

This week in Language Arts, we added the words "this" and "find" to our word wall. We practiced reading, writing, and making sentences with these words.
We also started our reading groups! The children listen to me read the story, then take turns reading the book to the group. There are about 4 children in every group. The small size lets us discuss the book and improve our reading fluency. Please allow them to read to you every night!
This week we read the book "I Love Bugs". It helped us practice reading our sight words and discuss action words such as paddle, swoop, and buzz.
In Math, we finished up Chapter 7 and will begin Chapter 9 this week. Chapter 9 focuses on measurement. Some upcoming vocabulary includes longer, shorter, and taller. We will return to money later in the year and will be focusing on Egyptian LE, not USD. 
In Science, we discussed the pattern of seasons and the order they occur in. 
In Art, in preparation for our trip to the Ceramic Cafe, we practiced coming up with design ideas for our tiles. We reviewed the concept of patterns and painted our ideas. 

Wednesday, March 6th, will be our trip to the Ceramic Cafe. Every child in our class will be in attendance!

Please keep in mind that the leveled reading books must be kept in the white folders. Every child was provided with one. This helps keep our books in good condition! 

Thank you Parents for your help!