Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Important Reminders!

Hi Parents,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, February 28th, is a half day and students will be dismissed at noon.

Also, our trip to the Ceramic Cafe has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, March 6th.

Thank you Parents for all your help with the 100 items the children bought in today! We had fun celebrating the 100th day of school! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Trip Rescheduled

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Due to the blockage of the Ring Road today, please note that the trip to the Ceramic cafe for KG1 and KG2 will be postponed to Wednesday 06/03/2013.

Students who didn't pay for the trip should be absent from school on that day because teachers will accompany their students during the trip.

Thank you for your understanding,
School Administration

Sunday, February 24, 2013

100th Day of School

Wednesday marks the 100th day of school. The children have been looking forward to this day for a long time. We keep track of the days we've been in school with an apple tree. We are up to 97 apples today and the children are so excited.

For homework, the children should collect 100 small items and bring it to school on Wednesday. Also, we will have a small party where I will provide snacks. If you would like to send something with your child to share, please feel free.

Tomorrow is our trip to the Ceramic Cafe. If your child is not attending, please keep him/her at home as all KG teachers will be attending the trip.

Thank you Parents! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 20 Update

In Language Arts this week, we read and enjoyed the book "What is Science?" It was a great book to practice our sight words and introduce new vocabulary, such as telescope and hurricane. I also introduced a new sight word game to the kids that involves rolling a die and reading/writing the sight words. Ask your child about it!
**Also, the children will begin bring home their leveled reading books next Sunday. Please make sure they bring their white files to school on Sunday!
In Math, we started Chapter 7 which focuses on the numbers 11-30. This week, we practiced counting to twenty, writing the numbers, and estimating. We will continue this chapter next week.
In Social Studies, we discussed the Nile River and its importance in Ancient Egypt. We talked about how it provided food, transportation, and water for plants to grow.
In Science, we began discussing weather. We talked about the different activities we can do and what we should wear depending on the weather (sunny, windy, snowy, and rainy).
In Art, we made crayon resist alphabet art. The children write the letters of the alphabet in a grid using crayon and colored in each square with watercolors.

Next week, we will have our trip to the Ceramic Cafe on Monday, February 25. If your child is not attending, please keep them at home as all KG teachers will be attending the trip.

Also, Thursday, February 28th will be a half day for students. They will leave at 12:00.

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم دراسة و حفظ سورة (النصر) و  دعاء( تشميت العاطس) و قد قمنا بمشاهدة قصة أصحاب الفيل وسوف نشاهد  قصة سيدنا يونس و الحوت الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .

*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم دراسة أصوات (الكسرة  و الضمة ) لحرف (ح) و الكلمات الدالة (حِ) (حِمار ) - (حُ)  (حُوت) و سوف نقوم بدراسة أصوات حرف (خ)  الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tomorrow Morning

Please be aware that we will be joining morning lines tomorrow where Ms. Sherine will be distributing certificates to the children. Please make sure your child arrives to school on time tomorrow so that they do not miss this opportunity to be recognized in front of the school!

Also, we will have show and tell tomorrow as it will be on every Wednesday! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Important Reminder!

Please note that next Thursday, February 28th will be a half day for students.

Also, please be aware that trip fees are past due and will no longer be accepted. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 19 Update

This week in Language Arts, we read the book What a Beautiful Sky! We then tried to recall the story and made collages to represent and reflect each page in the book. We also reviewed beginning sounds by playing Alphabet Bingo and practiced making our own sentences.

In Math, we finished up Chapter 6 and will begin Chapter 7 on Sunday. The children enjoyed working with the line of symmetry and simple fractions. They loved being challenged with examples that were more difficult than the ones in the book

In Social Studies, we discussed what hieroglyphics were as part of our Ancient Egypt unit and the children explored some of the characters. They did an activity and had to decode a message that was written in hieroglyphics.

In Science, we discussed how we can help take care of our Earth by recycling. We brainstormed ways we could recycle in the classroom and bought our plastic bottles to the school recycle bin.

The children will hopefully begin bringing home their leveled reading books at the end of the week. Please remember that they are to come back and forth everyday with the children (book and file). Encourage your child to read to you and you can also read their book to them to model fluent reading.

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم دراسة  سورة (النصر) و لم يتمكن الأطفال من حفظها لذلك سوف  يتم نكرارها حتى يتم حفظها  و قد حفظ دعاء  ( تشميت العاطس) .
*  اللغة العربية : لقد تم دراسة  أصوات (الضمة ) لحرف (ج) و الكلمات الدالة (جُ) (جُندي) – و تم دراسة أصوات (الفتحة  ) لحرف (ح) و الكلمات الدالة (حَ) (حَبل)  و سوف نقوم الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .
ملحوظة : سوف يتم  عمل إملاء تدريبية على الكلمات (جَمل – جِسر – جُبن       حَبل – حِمار – حُوت  ) يوم الأربعاء الموافق ٢٠– فبراير – ٢٠١٣     إن شاء الله.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine Exchange Party

This Thursday, for Valentine's Day, we will have a small exchange party where the children can bring small gifts for their classmates and share them at the end of the day. The small gifts can be lollipops, stickers, small erasers, little candies, homemade cards, trinkets, etc. There are 16 children in our class and, if they choose to bring something, they should bring enough for every child in the class.

This will be a nice gesture to promote sharing and celebrate friendship!

Also, this week students are beginning to bring home white folders with sight word books in them. These are not their leveled reading books. Rather, they are simply to help the children get into the habit of bring the folders back and forth and reading at home every night. *The white folder and the book should be bought to school everyday.

Thank you Parents for your help and support! 

Show and Tell Tomorrow

Tomorrow, and every Wednesday from now on, we will have show and tell. The children look forward to it every week so Ms. Mariam also wrote a reminder in all of the channel books to bring a special item from home.
Please do not allow the children to bring electronics, valuable items, or irreplaceable items. These items should only be bought to school on days we have show and tell. Otherwise, they become a distraction. Thank you Parents! 

Trip to The Ceramic Cafe

Yesterday, every student bought home a permission slip to go to Il Pennelo Ceramc Cafe on Monday February 25th. If you would like your child to attend please send the permission slip and fees in as soon as possible. The deadline is next Sunday, the 17th. If you need another permission slip, just let me know via e-mail or channel book. This should be a very fun experience for the children!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Arabic and Religion Update

The Arabic and Religion updates will now also be featured on the main page as some have bought it to our attention that the tabs do not load on tablets.


* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد بدأنا في تمهيد سورة (النصر) و لم يتمكن الأطفال من حفظها لذلك سوف  يتم نكرارها حتى يتم حفظها  و قد حفظ دعاء  ( تشميت العاطس) .


*  اللغة العربية : لقد تم دراسة  أصوات (الفتحة – الكسرة ) لحرف (ج) و الكلمات الدالة (جَ) 
(جَمل) – (جِ ) (جِسر)  و سوف نقوم بتكملتها مع  دراسة أصوات حرف (ح ) الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .
ملحوظة : سوف يتم  عمل إملاء تدريبية على الكلمات (تَاج  -  تِين  -  تُفاحة     -     ثَلج  - ثِياب  -  ثُعبان ) يوم الأحد الموافق ١٠– فبراير – ٢٠١٣     إن شاء الله.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day

Students will be permitted to dress in Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white...) this Thursday, February 14th. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 18 Update

In Language Arts, we added the words "are" and "now" to our word wall. We are practicing blending sounds to read new words everyday. This is something you can practice at home too! The children find it fun to try to "guess" three or four letter words. The children will hopefully begin bringing home independent leveled reading books by next week! Please take the time to have them read to you and encourage them. Reading is fun!

This week we read the book "Can you say Peace?" It is a book that teaches children that, despite differences in culture and language, we all want world peace. We discussed that we want peace in our classroom as well.

In Math, we continued Chapter 6. We did not get to math on Thursday so Lesson 6.7 will be taught on Sunday. We will continue onto symmetry and fractions this week, finishing Chapter 6. Some of the upcoming vocabulary includes; whole, half, symmetry, and equal parts.

In Science, we discussed the difference between oceans and rivers. The children had a lot of background knowledge on oceans from experience which made the discussion exciting. They knew it was salty and that it has waves (and sharks!).

In Art, we made Venetian masquerade masks for International Week! They were so excited to bring them home on Thursday. These masks are traditionally worn during Carnivale, an annual festival in Venice, Italy.

International Week was a lot of fun. The children learned how say hello and count to ten in Italian. We visited other "countries" on Thursday including Japan, China, India, Morocco, and the United States. Ask your child about it! Thank you to all the parents that sent in food for our party. It was a lovely ending to the busy week!

Next week, we will be review sight words and continue working on blending sounds to read words. We will also focus on being nice to one another as the school is focusing on our Random Acts of Kindness program.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

International Week

Tomorrow the children have the option of wearing the colors of the Italian flag (green, white, and red) instead of the uniform. They may wear either. Please note that it is not a dress down day as they only have those two options.
We will have some Italian dishes (pizza and pasta) during lunch and cake in the garden for a classmate's birthday. Students do not have to pack a lunch tomorrow but may if they are picky eaters. (But who doesn't like pizza and pasta?)   :) 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Show and Tell Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will be having show and tell during one of our Language Arts period. Please do not send electronic or irreplaceable items.

Also, we did not finish today's math lesson. We will finish it tomorrow. If your child has difficulty with the homework tonight, please try it again with them tomorrow.

International Week Update

Tonight for homework, the children will practice counting to ten in Italian! We made little books today and to help with pronunciation, we have been using this YouTube video:  Italian numbers 1-10

Tomorrow, their homework is to write a sentence using the word "now". There is a typo in the homework schedule.

This week we have been exploring Italy's history and culture by looking at its flag and making Venetian masks on Sunday. We have also learned the numbers 1-10 in Italian. Thursday is all about food! If anyone would like to bring in an Italian dish to share on Thursday, please let me know. Italian food consists of a lot of pasta, bread, pizza and cheese. We will eat these dishes during lunch and the children will proceed to the garden for a classmate's birthday party!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 17 Update

Time is flying! It is February already and we have a very fun month ahead. Next week is International Week and our class will be representing Italy! The children will learn about this country's language, food and culture. On Thursday, we will have a small party featuring Italian music and food. If you would like to bring something in, please let me know! It would be appreciated!
In Language Arts this week, we read the book "A Zebra's World". The children enjoyed relating to the book as it is about growing up and becoming independent. At the end of the book, the mommy zebra has another baby- something many of the children can relate to! 
Many favorite toys and stuffed animals were shared during show and tell. I will try to have show and tell every week as the children look forward to it. 
In Math, we learned a lot of new vocabulary for 3D shapes such as cylinder, sphere, cone, cube, and rectangular prism. We will continue Chapter 6 next week.
In Science, we discussed how rocks can be different colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. We looked at a few rocks and compared them.
A general reminder that jackets should be labeled with your child's name. Sometimes these names come off when washed. Please re-write them. 

Thank you Parents!