Language Arts this week, we read and enjoyed the book "What is Science?" It was a great book to practice our sight words and introduce new vocabulary, such as telescope and hurricane. I also introduced a new sight word game to the kids that involves rolling a die and reading/writing the sight words. Ask your child about it!
**Also, the children will begin bring home their leveled reading books next Sunday. Please make sure they bring their white files to school on Sunday!
Math, we started Chapter 7 which focuses on the numbers 11-30. This week, we practiced counting to twenty, writing the numbers, and estimating. We will continue this chapter next week.
Social Studies, we discussed the Nile River and its importance in Ancient Egypt. We talked about how it provided food, transportation, and water for plants to grow.
Science, we began discussing weather. We talked about the different activities we can do and what we should wear depending on the weather (sunny, windy, snowy, and rainy).
Art, we made crayon resist alphabet art. The children write the letters of the alphabet in a grid using crayon and colored in each square with watercolors.
Next week, we will have our trip to the Ceramic Cafe on Monday, February 25. If your child is not attending, please keep them at home as all KG teachers will be attending the trip.
Also, Thursday, February 28th will be a half day for students. They will leave at 12:00.
* التربية الدينية الإسلامية: لقد تم دراسة
و حفظ سورة (النصر) و دعاء( تشميت العاطس)
و قد قمنا بمشاهدة قصة أصحاب الفيل وسوف نشاهد
قصة سيدنا يونس و الحوت الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .
* اللغة العربية : لقد تم دراسة
أصوات (الكسرة و الضمة ) لحرف (ح) و
الكلمات الدالة (حِ) (حِمار ) - (حُ)
(حُوت) و سوف نقوم بدراسة أصوات حرف (خ) الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله .