Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine Exchange Party

This Thursday, for Valentine's Day, we will have a small exchange party where the children can bring small gifts for their classmates and share them at the end of the day. The small gifts can be lollipops, stickers, small erasers, little candies, homemade cards, trinkets, etc. There are 16 children in our class and, if they choose to bring something, they should bring enough for every child in the class.

This will be a nice gesture to promote sharing and celebrate friendship!

Also, this week students are beginning to bring home white folders with sight word books in them. These are not their leveled reading books. Rather, they are simply to help the children get into the habit of bring the folders back and forth and reading at home every night. *The white folder and the book should be bought to school everyday.

Thank you Parents for your help and support! 

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