Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Language Arts, we added the words 'she' and 'all' to our word wall. We learned a song for each word to help us remember how to spell them. Ask your child to sing them for you! Next week, we will add the words 'he' and 'no'.

We also read the book "Zinnia's Flower Garden" which is about a girl who plants a garden and waits patiently for her plants to grow. At the end of the book, it is winter and she is planning her garden for next year. We took the opportunity to review parts of a plant and seasons.
In Math, we started Chapter 11 which focuses on addition. We are using storytelling to begin understanding the concept of addition. We will continue this Chapter next week.

In Social Studies, we continued our discussion on needs and wants. We watched a short video about it and shared some things we really want but don't need. Some examples the children came up with was a Wii, pets, and Chipsy.

In Science, we continued Chapter 7 on matter by discussing what solids float and sink. We gathered some items from our classroom (counting bear, clothespin, coin, foam square, straw, etc.). Then, we made predictions and tested our predictions.

In Character Building, Ms. Mariam discussed reasons why we should be a good listener. We talked about different people we need to listen to and why we need to be good listeners. Next week, we will focus on trying new things.

In I.T., we started working on typing our sight words. The children were very excited to do this. In addition to practicing sight words, it is good for their fine motor skills and letter identification skills.

Next week, we will have our trip to My Gym on Tuesday. If your child is not attending, please keep him/her at home as all KG teachers will be on the trip.

Also, next Wednesday is Egypt Day! We will show our Egyptian pride with a little lunch party featuring Egyptian food. If you would like to contribute a dish, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please note that Thursday April 25th is Sinai Day and we do not have school on that day. Spring break follows and is from April 28th to May 6th. The children return on May 7th.

Arabic and Religion Update:

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم  تدريس نشيد  ( إن سألتم عن إلهي ) و بدأنا في تدريس حديث ( الناس سواسية ) و سوف يتم تكرارهم حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظهما  .
*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم تدريس أصوات ( الضمة ) لحرف (س) و الكلمات الدالة( سُ)  - (سُلم ) و تم تدريس أصوات (الفتحة -  الكسرة – الضمة ) لحرف (ش) و الكلمات الدالة  ( شَ)-    ( شَمس ) - (شِ) (شِراع ) – (شُ) ( شُموع ) سوف نبدأ في أصوات حرف (ص) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .
* سوف يتم عمل إملاء منزلية يوم الجمعة  على كلمات (زرع – زي – زجاجة – سمكة – سجادة  - سلم  - شمس – شراع  - شموع ) و إرسالها يوم الأحد الموافق (٢١  - أبريل ) إن شاء الله .

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