Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 22 Update

This week in Language Arts, the children received a new leveled reading book to practice at home. Many children have been losing the books or forgetting to bring them to school. It may be best to keep the books in school in the future. I will keep you updated.

We read the book In The Deep Blue Sea that the children loved. We practiced reading color words and identifying rhyming words. It is a very repetitive book so it was easy for the children to read along!

In Math, we started our unit on Measurement. We have been using items such as paper clips, cubes, and even shoes to ease our way into understanding how to estimate and measure height and length. *I was absent on Thursday so Lesson 7.5 has been postponed until Monday.*

In Science, we discussed the differences between the day sky and the night sky. We also talked about the time difference between New York and Egypt that the children found interesting.

Our trip to the Ceramic Cafe was very nice. It gave the children the opportunity to practice using their manners in a restaurant setting. The tiles they painted came out beautifully and will add a nice personal touch to the school entrance when they are installed. I will post pictures shortly!

Please note that Sunday, March 10th is a day off for the students.


*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم دراسة أصوات( الفتحة - الكسرة  ) لحرف (د) و الكلمات الدالة (دَ) (دجاجة ) -  (دِ) (دِيك ) - و سوف نقوم بتكملة دراسة أصوات حرف (د)  الأسبوع القادم  مع حرف (ذ) ان شاء الله .

* سوف يتم عمل  إملاء منزلية  على كلمات حروف (خ – د)  ماعدا كلمة (دب )يوم الأحد الموافق ١٠ – مارس – ٢٠١٣  و ذلك لأنه إجارة  .


* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد بدأنا في تدريس سورة (الفيل) و سوف يتم تكرارها حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظها  .


Unknown said...

Hi ms. victoria i want to ask u about the arabic and relegion updates.

Victoria Ly said...

Sorry for the delay! It has been updated.

-Ms. Victoria