Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weekly Update

This week was very busy! Our trip to My Gym was very nice. The children enjoyed a day of play and fun group games.

In Language Arts, we read the book Chameleon, Chameleon and added the words 'he' and 'no' to our word wall. We talked about how chameleons camouflage and can change colors. The children were very interested in this concept!
In Character Building, Ms. Mariam discussed trying new things. We encouraged the children to try new foods, read new books, play with different friends, and take on new responsibilities at home.

Egypt Day was great. We all enjoyed a delicious lunch. Thank you to all the parents that made and sent all of the food. It was wonderful and very much appreciated.

Have a great Spring Break everyone! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Egypt Day

Hi Parents,

Just a quick note about tomorrow:
-The children will be singing a song at morning lines so please make sure they arrive to school on time!
-The children have swimming class tomorrow so please send their swimming supplies, as usual.
-Lunch will be a dish party featuring Egyptian food.
-The children do not have to wear their uniform tomorrow. They should dress in traditional Egyptian clothes or clothes that are the color of the flag.
-Tomorrow is also show and tell day!

*We are discussing trying new things in Character Building this week. I will make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the children to try at the end of the day. Please let me know if your child has a food allergy or if you have any concerns.

It will be a very busy/fun day tomorrow!

Thank you!
Ms. Victoria 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Language Arts, we added the words 'she' and 'all' to our word wall. We learned a song for each word to help us remember how to spell them. Ask your child to sing them for you! Next week, we will add the words 'he' and 'no'.

We also read the book "Zinnia's Flower Garden" which is about a girl who plants a garden and waits patiently for her plants to grow. At the end of the book, it is winter and she is planning her garden for next year. We took the opportunity to review parts of a plant and seasons.
In Math, we started Chapter 11 which focuses on addition. We are using storytelling to begin understanding the concept of addition. We will continue this Chapter next week.

In Social Studies, we continued our discussion on needs and wants. We watched a short video about it and shared some things we really want but don't need. Some examples the children came up with was a Wii, pets, and Chipsy.

In Science, we continued Chapter 7 on matter by discussing what solids float and sink. We gathered some items from our classroom (counting bear, clothespin, coin, foam square, straw, etc.). Then, we made predictions and tested our predictions.

In Character Building, Ms. Mariam discussed reasons why we should be a good listener. We talked about different people we need to listen to and why we need to be good listeners. Next week, we will focus on trying new things.

In I.T., we started working on typing our sight words. The children were very excited to do this. In addition to practicing sight words, it is good for their fine motor skills and letter identification skills.

Next week, we will have our trip to My Gym on Tuesday. If your child is not attending, please keep him/her at home as all KG teachers will be on the trip.

Also, next Wednesday is Egypt Day! We will show our Egyptian pride with a little lunch party featuring Egyptian food. If you would like to contribute a dish, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please note that Thursday April 25th is Sinai Day and we do not have school on that day. Spring break follows and is from April 28th to May 6th. The children return on May 7th.

Arabic and Religion Update:

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم  تدريس نشيد  ( إن سألتم عن إلهي ) و بدأنا في تدريس حديث ( الناس سواسية ) و سوف يتم تكرارهم حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظهما  .
*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم تدريس أصوات ( الضمة ) لحرف (س) و الكلمات الدالة( سُ)  - (سُلم ) و تم تدريس أصوات (الفتحة -  الكسرة – الضمة ) لحرف (ش) و الكلمات الدالة  ( شَ)-    ( شَمس ) - (شِ) (شِراع ) – (شُ) ( شُموع ) سوف نبدأ في أصوات حرف (ص) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .
* سوف يتم عمل إملاء منزلية يوم الجمعة  على كلمات (زرع – زي – زجاجة – سمكة – سجادة  - سلم  - شمس – شراع  - شموع ) و إرسالها يوم الأحد الموافق (٢١  - أبريل ) إن شاء الله .

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trip To My Gym Next Week

Today a permission slip has been sent home for a trip to My Gym Children's Fitness Center for next Tuesday April 23rd. The permission slip and fees are due by Wednesday April 17th. We cannot accept fees after this date.
If your child will not attend the trip, he/she is to stay home on that day as all KG teachers will be accompanying their children on the trip. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Language Arts, we read a book called Leo The Late Bloomer. It was about a tiger named Leo that learned to read, write, talk, and eat neatly later than his friends. We talked about what we could do now that we were not able to do last year. They have grown so much, like Leo, in just one year!
We also added the words 'said' and 'good' to our word wall. We practiced our sight words by hopping and reading them outside. Using their bodies helps them remember the words and it's fun!
In Math, we finished Chapter 10 which focused on time, temperature, and the calendar. The concepts at this age are very general. We will review Chapter 10 on Sunday and start Chapter 11 next week. Chapter 11 and 12 are on addition and subtraction.

In Science, we continued discussing matter. We focused on solids and sorted solids by color, shape, weight, and size.

In Social Studies, we talked about the difference between what we need and what we want. In pairs, we sorted picture cards into things we need and things we want. At the end of the activity, the children saw that we want many more things than we really need.

In Character Building, Ms. Mariam discussed using good manners. In our classroom, a few examples include pushing in our chairs, asking to use the bathroom politely, and chewing with our mouths closed. Each week we will have a new focus and reinforce the message throughout the week. Next week, it will be about listening.
Yaseen reads his book 'The Bike Race' to his friends!
**The school Carnival will be held on Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Elementary and KG students are not allowed to attend the Carnival without their parents.

 :Arabic and Religion Update
* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم  تدريس نشيد  ( إن سألتم عن إلهي ) و بدأنا في تدريس حديث ( الناس سواسية ) و سوف يتم تكرارهم حتى يتمكن الأطفال من حفظهما  .
*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم تدريس أصوات ( الضمة ) لحرف (ز) و الكلمات الدالة( زُ)  - (زُجاجة ) و تم تدريس أصوات (الفتحة -  الكسرة) لحرف (س) و الكلمات الدالة  ( سَ)-    ( سَمكة ) - (سِ) (سِجادة )سوف نكمل  أصوات حرف (س) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .

* سوف أقوم  بإرسال كراسة الإملاء و يتم عمل إملاء منزلية كل أسبوع بعد الإنتهاء من كل حرف . 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Swim Class Cancelled Today

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that due tot he absence of the swim instructor, the swimming classes were cancelled today. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
School Administration

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Weekly Update

In Language Arts this week, we added two new words to our word wall- make and play. We practiced writing, reading, and using the words in sentences in class. The children also were given new leveled readers that are a little harder since they were reading so fluently at their current level.

We read the book, "Best of Friends" several times and discussed the characters in the book. The book is about two best friends that like some of the same things and some different things.

In Math, we continued Chapter 10, which focuses on time, the calendar, and temperature. We started with learning how to read a calender- something the children are comfortable with since we use it everyday during our morning meeting.We will continue and finish Chapter 10 next week.

In Science, we started Chapter 7 which is about matter. We learned there are three types of matter- solid, liquids, and gasses. This week, we worked on sorting different types of matter into these categories.

In Character Building, Ms. Mariam read them the book "I Can be Fair'. The class discussed what being fair meant and brainstormed examples of how they could show fairness in the classroom and garden.

P.E swimming classes have begun and our first pool lesson went very well. It is helpful to send your child in their swim suits because it cuts down on changing time and they get more pool time! They also have swimming in the morning (2nd and 3rd period) so they will not be in their swim suits for very long before they go swimming. *Also, some of the swim caps that were sent with the children were too small. Please try the caps on your child to ensure they have a proper fitting cap for their lessons. ** I kept the flotation devices (noodles, etc.) in school to prevent the hassle of bringing them back and forth. Please let me know if you want me to send it home with your child.

Arabic and Religion Update:

*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم تدريس أصوات ( الكسرة -  الضمة  ) لحرف (ر) و الكلمات الدالة (رِ ) ( رِيشة ) – ( رُ) (رُمان ) و  تم تدريس أصوات ( الفتحة – الكسرة) لحرف (ز)  و الكلمات الدالة (زَ) (زرع ) – (زِ) (زِي) و سوف نكمل  أصوات حرف (ز) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .
* سوف يتم عمل إملاء  تدريبية على كلمات (ذَيل – ذِئب – ذُرة    -  رَأس – رِيشة – رُمان )  يوم الأحد الموافق  ٧ – أبريل – ٢٠١٣   ان شاء الله. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Brief Update and Reminders!

Last week, we had fun learning some new games during Fun Day! We played Alphabet Duck, Duck, Goose, red light, green light 123, and four corners. We also practiced our sight words by playing our usual sight words games such as Alphabet Bingo. This week we will be adding two more words to our word wall: make and play.

The children will receive their new leveled reading books tomorrow. They are a little harder than their previous books but I read them their new books today and they seem to be very comfortable with the words. Please allow them to practice reading to you every night!

Please note that report cards will be distributed on Wednesday and parent-teacher conferences will be held on Thursday. There is no school for students on Thursday.

Also, fees for the costumes for the music production are past due. If you were planning on ordering a costume, tomorrow will be the last day I can accept the fee.

As the weather is getting warmer, the children will need to drink more water. Please send enough water for the day. It is okay to send extra bottles of water for your child. I will label the bottle and keep it in the classroom for them. Please also send everything your child needs for lunch with them such as forks, spoons, ketchup etc.

Just as a reminder, our class has swimming on Wednesday. They will need to bring everything required on the list to be able to participate. They are looking forward to this! I posted this list earlier and you can find it on the blog if you lost the handout.

Thank you Parents for your help with everything!