Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Weekly Update

In Language Arts this week, we added two new words to our word wall- make and play. We practiced writing, reading, and using the words in sentences in class. The children also were given new leveled readers that are a little harder since they were reading so fluently at their current level.

We read the book, "Best of Friends" several times and discussed the characters in the book. The book is about two best friends that like some of the same things and some different things.

In Math, we continued Chapter 10, which focuses on time, the calendar, and temperature. We started with learning how to read a calender- something the children are comfortable with since we use it everyday during our morning meeting.We will continue and finish Chapter 10 next week.

In Science, we started Chapter 7 which is about matter. We learned there are three types of matter- solid, liquids, and gasses. This week, we worked on sorting different types of matter into these categories.

In Character Building, Ms. Mariam read them the book "I Can be Fair'. The class discussed what being fair meant and brainstormed examples of how they could show fairness in the classroom and garden.

P.E swimming classes have begun and our first pool lesson went very well. It is helpful to send your child in their swim suits because it cuts down on changing time and they get more pool time! They also have swimming in the morning (2nd and 3rd period) so they will not be in their swim suits for very long before they go swimming. *Also, some of the swim caps that were sent with the children were too small. Please try the caps on your child to ensure they have a proper fitting cap for their lessons. ** I kept the flotation devices (noodles, etc.) in school to prevent the hassle of bringing them back and forth. Please let me know if you want me to send it home with your child.

Arabic and Religion Update:

*  اللغة العربية : لقد  تم تدريس أصوات ( الكسرة -  الضمة  ) لحرف (ر) و الكلمات الدالة (رِ ) ( رِيشة ) – ( رُ) (رُمان ) و  تم تدريس أصوات ( الفتحة – الكسرة) لحرف (ز)  و الكلمات الدالة (زَ) (زرع ) – (زِ) (زِي) و سوف نكمل  أصوات حرف (ز) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله .
* سوف يتم عمل إملاء  تدريبية على كلمات (ذَيل – ذِئب – ذُرة    -  رَأس – رِيشة – رُمان )  يوم الأحد الموافق  ٧ – أبريل – ٢٠١٣   ان شاء الله. 

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