Friday, May 17, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Language Arts, we read the book Something Special, which was about a raccoon that was trying to find something he was good at. Finally, he realizes he is good at painting.
This book tied in with our Character Building theme of the week- to keep trying and not to give up.
In Math, we began our unit on subtraction by telling stories. Ask your child to tell you a subtraction story. They are very creative!
In Science, we began discussing energy. We talked about the sun, shade, and shadows. We also discussed how healthy foods give our bodies energy.

Please note that swimming class on May 22nd is cancelled as we will have picture day. The children will be dressed in their caps and gowns at school.

As we approach the end of the school year, there will be several updates regarding graduation and the production day so it is vital that the blog is checked on a regular basis!

Arabic and Religion update:

* التربية الدينية الإسلامية:  لقد تم  التمهيد لسورة (المسد )  و دعاء (سيدنا إبراهيم) و سوف يتم تكرارهم حتى يتمكن الاطفال من حفظهما  .
*  اللغة العربية : - لقد تم تدريس أصوات (الفتحة -  الكسرة – الضمة ) لحرفي (ط – ظ ) و الكلمات الدالة  ( طَ )-  (طَائرة ) – و قراءة كلمات (طِ) (طِفل ) – ( طُ) (طُيور )  ، (ظَ) (ظَرف ) و قراءة كلمات (ظِ)( ظِل) – (ظُ) (ظُفر ) سوف نبدأ في أصوات حرفي (ع - غ) الأسبوع القادم  ان شاء الله.
* سوف يتم عمل إملاء منزلية يوم الجمعة  على كلمات (طَائرة – طِفل – طُيور  - ظَرف – ظِل - ظُفر  ) و إرسالها يوم الأحد الموافق (١٩– مايو ) إن شاء الله . 

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