Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 1 Update!

Week one flew by! The classroom was a new and unfamiliar place to the children on Sunday but I hope that each child feels comfortable and safe in their classroom now. Although I have only met the children 4 days ago, I feel like I know them well-what their personalities are like, what they get excited about and who they like to play with during garden time.

Like in KG1, we use a lot of songs to teach and the children love it! Two songs that your children may have mentioned are our rug song and line-up song. Here are the lyrics to both:
(To the tune of “Frere Jacques”)
Are you criss-cross?
Are you criss-cross?
Eyes on me.
Eyes on me.
Hands in your lap.
Hands in your lap.

(To the tune of “Do your ears hang low?”)
Are you ready for the hall?
Are you standing straight and tall?
Are your hands behind your back?
Are you leaving any gaps?
Are you quiet as can be?
Are you looking straight at me?
Now, let’s go quietly.

The focus this week was getting each child familiar with the classroom and instilling excitement about coming to school. They are at an age where learning can be a lot of fun. I want them to love learning! We are starting curriculum work slowly. This week, I introduced centers in the classroom. Each table has a different educational activity and the children rotate to different tables to experience all of the activities in an orderly way.

On Wednesday, I shared the news that we will be having pen pals from the United States. There is a kindergarten class in New York that would like to be our friends! We will write letters (digitally), send pictures and ask questions to each other throughout the year. This is the picture we took right after I told them the news and this will be the first picture we send our new friends!

As a friendly notice, we eat breakfast in the morning, a mid-morning snack and lunch. Please indicate which foods you would like your child to have for each meal.  Also, I would like to remind everyone that chocolate and candy are not permitted in school. Next week, they will be sent home. Also, please send plenty of water. I encourage the children to drink a lot of water, especially after playing outside!

A quick note about supplies: please return the GPS copybooks with the form indicating you have received the books. The students will begin using the books shortly. If you have not been able to obtain the supplies yet, do not worry! We have supplies in the classroom your child may use until you are able to do so. We share most of our supplies so we are well stocked for now.

**Please use this new e-mail to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
 Paper notes, until we receive channel books, have been working well too!

A special thank you to the families that have sent in cleaning supplies. We wash our hands very often everyday! The children know that I love a clean classroom and enjoy helping me keep a tidy room.

We’re off to a great start!

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