Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 2 Update

This week started off on a very exciting note! We received a large box of new books. The children and I were equally excited about having these new additions to the classroom. It is routine that the children may choose a book to read at their desk or on the rug when they finish their food or their class work. It has been great motivation for them to stay on task!

In Math, we have been working on alike and different items. This unit has been a great exercise in following directions. The children often do not have difficulty identifying alike and similar items, but have learned the importance of listening to directions so that they can complete their class work. I have been reinforcing the fact that I would like them to help each other with their work rather than having them ask me. 

In Language Arts, we have been reviewing letters and their sounds, two letters a day. The children love brainstorming and illustrating words that begin with the letters of the day. We have also been reading a lot of books about family and discussing our own families.

In Science, we are learning about the difference between living and non-living things. This has been a great opportunity for group work as students can discuss and sort picture cards as a table rather than individually.

I am working on building up the curriculum work so that it is not overwhelming for the children. Some students are still adjusting to being in school for such a prolonged period again.

It is very important that all children come to school well-rested. It is a very long day in Kindergarten and many children are tired at the end of the day. This is normal and understandable. However, if children are unable to stay awake in school, it takes away from their time to learn.

I have noticed some great healthy food options in the children’s’ lunchboxes- mango, grapes, popcorn, pretzels, yogurt, eggs, potatoes, apples, etc. Thank you for helping enforce healthy eating. A reminder that only coupons are accepted for breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is 7LE and lunch is 20LE. A bi-weekly menu will be sent out every two weeks and only food from the menu is available each day. 

Thank you Parents for your all your help and support,

From Ms. Shahenda,
* لقد بدأنا في التمهيد لسورة الشرح و تم عمل مراجعة على سورة الفاتحة.
*  لقد تم عمل مراجعة على حروف (أ – ب- ت – ث )  وسوف نقوم بمراجعة حروف (ج – ح – خ – د ) الأسبوع القادم ان شاء الله.

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