Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 13 Update

This week in Language Arts, we read the book Jump into January. This book goes through each month with beautiful illustrations and relevant vocabulary. It was a good book to review the months and introduce new words such as chimney and wheelchair.

We also added the words 'come' and 'me' to our word wall. We will continue working with these words next week. We learned a new sight word song to help us remember how to spell the word 'come'. It can be found here: 

In Math, we finished Chapter Four with the concept of estimation. Next week, math will be integrated into Language Arts with graphing and use of number lines. We will continue with Chapter Five when we return from Winter Break. 

In Science, we reviewed the pond habitat and focused on the prairie habitat. What animals and plants live in a prairie? Next week, we will conclude this unit by focusing on the rain forest habitat.

Many children were upset about the Christmas concert being cancelled on Thursday. It will hopefully be rescheduled shortly and I will keep everyone updated through the blog. 

Have a great weekend,
Ms. Victoria

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