Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 15 Update

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and enjoyed the nice, warm weather. 

Last week, we added two words to our word wall: with and my. We will continue to work with these words this week in Chapter 12 of Language Arts. We are also continuing practicing distinguishing the end sounds of words.

In Math, we started Chapter 5- Graphs and we will continue the chapter this week. The children are getting familiar with the new vocabulary: graph, row, column, fewer.

In Social Studies, we begun our unit on Egypt. The students painted a class poster of Egyptian symbols and landmarks that we will discuss in the following weeks.

The trip to Sitara Theatre was wonderful! The play was age appropriate and the children were constantly laughing. We discussed the story of Ali Baba before we watched the play and the children had no problem following the play. Two of the children even got to go up on stage and be characters in the story!

We are on the Week 1 Menu this week.

**Reminder: We do not have school this Thursday, January 24th in observance of Al Muled Al Nabawy.

-Ms. Victoria

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