Wednesday, January 9, 2013

General Reminders and Upcoming Events

It was so nice to see everyone back in school today!  I hope everyone had a great break and got time to relax- parents and children alike.

Due to low attendance and the short week, we will not have formal homework this week. I will send a book home with each child to read for the night. They may change their books tomorrow if they finished reading it and want a new one. Otherwise, the books will be due on Thursday. They will receive a normal homework packet on Sunday.

On Thursday, report cards will be sent home. Parent- teacher conferences will be on Tuesday, January 15th. I have sent home appointment slips today. Please sign the slips and return them as soon as possible to confirm.

Permission slips for our trip to Sitara Theater next week were also sent home today. Please sign the form and  send the money in as soon as possible if you would like your child to attend. I have heard from other teachers that the play is lovely and the children would enjoy it.

With the weather being cold and rainy, some children were out sick. If your child is sick, it is best to keep them at home so that they can get better and avoid getting others ill.

Thank you Parents for all you do,
Ms. Victoria

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