Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 18 Update

In Language Arts, we added the words "are" and "now" to our word wall. We are practicing blending sounds to read new words everyday. This is something you can practice at home too! The children find it fun to try to "guess" three or four letter words. The children will hopefully begin bringing home independent leveled reading books by next week! Please take the time to have them read to you and encourage them. Reading is fun!

This week we read the book "Can you say Peace?" It is a book that teaches children that, despite differences in culture and language, we all want world peace. We discussed that we want peace in our classroom as well.

In Math, we continued Chapter 6. We did not get to math on Thursday so Lesson 6.7 will be taught on Sunday. We will continue onto symmetry and fractions this week, finishing Chapter 6. Some of the upcoming vocabulary includes; whole, half, symmetry, and equal parts.

In Science, we discussed the difference between oceans and rivers. The children had a lot of background knowledge on oceans from experience which made the discussion exciting. They knew it was salty and that it has waves (and sharks!).

In Art, we made Venetian masquerade masks for International Week! They were so excited to bring them home on Thursday. These masks are traditionally worn during Carnivale, an annual festival in Venice, Italy.

International Week was a lot of fun. The children learned how say hello and count to ten in Italian. We visited other "countries" on Thursday including Japan, China, India, Morocco, and the United States. Ask your child about it! Thank you to all the parents that sent in food for our party. It was a lovely ending to the busy week!

Next week, we will be review sight words and continue working on blending sounds to read words. We will also focus on being nice to one another as the school is focusing on our Random Acts of Kindness program.

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